Showmanship is a contest where the youth will be given an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of poultry/rabbits as well as his/her ability to carry, examine and position their animal in front of a judge.
Why should I enter showmanship?
Showmanship offers the opportunity to learn or improve public speaking, practice social skills and a chance to improve your knowledge on your specific species. You will also have the chance to win ribbons and belt buckles!
What at are the age categories?
Junior: 6-10 years old Intermediate: 11-14 years old Senior: 15-18 years old
What should I wear?
Judges are looking for someone put together, clean, well dressed and confident in themselves. Eye contact is important and acting in a respectful and professional manner is just as important as your knowledge of your species.
My bird/rabbit is not purebred, can I still enter showmanship?
Absolutely! Your animal is not judged on their breed or any standard of perfection like they are in the open/junior show. The judge is looking for a clean, healthy animal that is obviously well taken care of.
Can I borrow someone else's animal if they are okay with it?
Absolutely! You do not have to be the owner of the animal to use them in showmanship. As long as you have permission to use someone else's animal and you treat that animal with gentleness and respect you are welcome to borrow an animal.
Where do I find practice questions for showmanship? Google is the best place to find questions and answers. Just type in Poultry or Rabbit showmanship questions and you will get a list of sites that offer them. There may be some overlap of questions in each list, but most agriculture colleges have a good list to practice from. Here are just some options: Poultry: 1. 2. 3. Rabbit: 1. 2. *You tube has videos of youth doing poultry and rabbit showmanship that are helpful to watch *Making flashcards is a helpful way to study *Questions become progressively harder as you get older and the more questions you answer correctly.
What are the prizes for showmanship winners?
There are ribbons for 1st-5th place in each age category. There is a belt buckle for the Grand Champion and a belt buckle for the Reserve Champion in Poultry. Rabbit showmanship does not get buckles.
How do I know how I did afterwards? Can I get my scorecard?
Definitely! You should pick up your scorecard and speak to the judge regarding your performance. Our judges are always happy to help you improve and point out what you did right. Showmanship is a very positive experience and no one is ever made to feel inferior. Your skill and level of competence increases every time you compete and talking to the judge and reviewing your scorecard will help you in the future. Doing practice questions and speaking in front of others will help to build your confidence and knowledge base for upcoming shows.
How do I sign up for showmanship? At the bottom of the sign up sheet for poultry and rabbit, there is an option to check showmanship. Or fill out the form below if you are not entering an animal in the show, but would like to just do showmanship. You can also check in at the sign-in table to sign up and pay your fee the day of the show.
Fee for Showmanship: 1. $8 per individual 2. You do NOT have to have an animal entered in the show, but CANNOT bring in any poultry that has not been checked in and has valid PT test paper. 3. Pay by a: mailing a check to: 174 West Overlook Mountain Rd Buda, TX 78610 attn: Fancy Feathers b. Venmo @kyle4H venmo_qr.jpg c. PayPal: [email protected]