Fancy Feathers Poultry Show Information and Entry Form
Check out the "info and Entry forms" tab for additional information
Our ABA/APA Judge for our 2025 show is: Monty Fitzgerald
Our Showmanship Judge for our 2025 Show is: Alaura Webb
Our Backyard Judge for our 2025 show is: Eddie Stoehr
If you would like to be a vendor for our show, please see the "vendor" tab under 'info and entry forms'
To make a donation to our show please contact Michelle at [email protected]
Show Rules:
1. Animals showing symptoms of disease of any kind WILL NOT be allowed
admittance to the show room. Show management is compelled to refuse entry
to show room and remove from the same, all diseased or unsightly animals.
Any animals displaying ocular or nasal discharge or mites/mange must be removed immediately
and will not be allowed to compete in any additional shows. All entry fees on
such animals shall be forfeited.
2. All animals must be healthy and and have a current PT test submitted prior to entry into the showroom.
3. No hens with chicks will be allowed on the showroom floor.
4. Current Pullorum-Typhoid negative test papers are a requirement for entry.
5. As of this catalog date, Texas does not require health certificates for entry.
6. Barn opens at 7 am and all animals must be checked in by 9 am. Judging starts at 9 am.
7. Junior show is for youth 18 and under and Open show is for adults 19 and older. Backyard show is for any age.
8. Showmanship is for youth 18 and under only. Junior ages 6-10, Intermediate ages 11-14, Senior ages 15-18
(see under Junior Showmanship tab for more information)
9. Protests must be submitted in writing along with $25.00 cash, which will be returned if upheld. Show committee will make final decision on all protests.
10. Only judges and show officials are allowed to handle and move poultry other than the owner. Handling anyone else's poultry without permission from the owner OR removing eggs from a cage NOT your own will result in a 1 year ban from the show.
11. Neither Kyle 4-H, Texas 4-H, Dripping Springs Ranch Park Events Center or Alumni are liable for accidents or losses while attending the show.
12. APA/ABA rules/standards will be used in judging, this is an APA/ABA sanctioned show.
13. Cages will be marked with your entry number and breed/sex/variety of the bird that goes into that cage. Please double check to make sure your bird is in the correct cage. Please see check-in table if there is already a bird in your cage.
14. The decisions of the judges will be final.
15. Youth & Adult Exhibitors must act in a professional manner towards
judges, show committee, show help & each other.
16. Any exhibitor indicating ownership, harassing, or interfering with a
judge or writer will be disqualified & forfeit all fees/winnings.
17. No video recording without approval from the judge.
18. Behaviors perceived as unbeneficial for the show & exhibitors will
not be tolerated.
19. Only show officials, judges and designated writers are allowed in
the judging area. Please respect the judges and stay out of the aisles they are actively judging.
20. Parents are responsible and accountable for the actions/damages of
their children. If any damages occur, you will be financially
responsible for the repair or replacement of the damages.
21. No skateboards, roller skates, rollerblades, scooters, etc. are
allowed in the building.
1. Exhibitors or their designee are responsible for getting their poultry into the appropriate cages promptly by 9 am. Any
bird not in their cage will not be judged.
2. Please be sure if removing a bird to use for showmanship that it has already been judged.
3. Absolutely NO REFUNDS of entry fees will be made.
1. Rosettes for Open/Junior class winners.
2. 1st-5th ribbons for Junior winners
3. Best of Breed and Reserve of breed ribbons for Open and Junior Show.
4. Grand Show Champion and Reserve Show Champion Trophies for Open and Junior Show.
5. Showmanship: ribbons for each age group and belt buckles for Grand Champion and Reserve Champion.
6. 1st-5th ribbons, People's choice awards, Most Unique and Judges choice trophies for Backyard category
1. Entry deadline is February 5, 2025.
2. Day of entries WILL NOT BE accepted for Poultry.
3. Rabbit and Egg Show entries WILL BE accepted the day of the show for an additional fee.
4. Ways to enter:
a. mail in the entry form to: 174 West Overlook Mountain Rd. Buda, TX 78610 attn: Fancy Feathers
b. Submit the entry form below(if more than 20 entries submit a second form if necessary)
c. Please submit separate forms for Junior, Open and Backyard
1. Entry Deadline is February 5, 2025
2. $6 per bird single cage. $12 for large double cage(1 bird per cage)
3. $5 one time cleaning fee for each registrant
4. Showmanship is $8 per youth (showmanship CAN be entered the day of the show)
5. NO DAY OF entries for birds (please e-mail [email protected] if you need to do any last minute changes to your entry-No guarantee that it can be done)
6. If a check is returned insufficient funds, the exhibitor will be assessed all bank fees plus $45. The exhibitor will be barred from future shows until paid.
7. Ways to pay:
a. mail a check made out to Kyle 4-H: 174 West Overlook Mountain Rd. Buda, TX 78610
b. Venmo @kyle4H venmo_qr.jpg
c. Paypal: [email protected]
Check out the "info and Entry forms" tab for additional information
Our ABA/APA Judge for our 2025 show is: Monty Fitzgerald
Our Showmanship Judge for our 2025 Show is: Alaura Webb
Our Backyard Judge for our 2025 show is: Eddie Stoehr
If you would like to be a vendor for our show, please see the "vendor" tab under 'info and entry forms'
To make a donation to our show please contact Michelle at [email protected]
Show Rules:
1. Animals showing symptoms of disease of any kind WILL NOT be allowed
admittance to the show room. Show management is compelled to refuse entry
to show room and remove from the same, all diseased or unsightly animals.
Any animals displaying ocular or nasal discharge or mites/mange must be removed immediately
and will not be allowed to compete in any additional shows. All entry fees on
such animals shall be forfeited.
2. All animals must be healthy and and have a current PT test submitted prior to entry into the showroom.
3. No hens with chicks will be allowed on the showroom floor.
4. Current Pullorum-Typhoid negative test papers are a requirement for entry.
5. As of this catalog date, Texas does not require health certificates for entry.
6. Barn opens at 7 am and all animals must be checked in by 9 am. Judging starts at 9 am.
7. Junior show is for youth 18 and under and Open show is for adults 19 and older. Backyard show is for any age.
8. Showmanship is for youth 18 and under only. Junior ages 6-10, Intermediate ages 11-14, Senior ages 15-18
(see under Junior Showmanship tab for more information)
9. Protests must be submitted in writing along with $25.00 cash, which will be returned if upheld. Show committee will make final decision on all protests.
10. Only judges and show officials are allowed to handle and move poultry other than the owner. Handling anyone else's poultry without permission from the owner OR removing eggs from a cage NOT your own will result in a 1 year ban from the show.
11. Neither Kyle 4-H, Texas 4-H, Dripping Springs Ranch Park Events Center or Alumni are liable for accidents or losses while attending the show.
12. APA/ABA rules/standards will be used in judging, this is an APA/ABA sanctioned show.
13. Cages will be marked with your entry number and breed/sex/variety of the bird that goes into that cage. Please double check to make sure your bird is in the correct cage. Please see check-in table if there is already a bird in your cage.
14. The decisions of the judges will be final.
15. Youth & Adult Exhibitors must act in a professional manner towards
judges, show committee, show help & each other.
16. Any exhibitor indicating ownership, harassing, or interfering with a
judge or writer will be disqualified & forfeit all fees/winnings.
17. No video recording without approval from the judge.
18. Behaviors perceived as unbeneficial for the show & exhibitors will
not be tolerated.
19. Only show officials, judges and designated writers are allowed in
the judging area. Please respect the judges and stay out of the aisles they are actively judging.
20. Parents are responsible and accountable for the actions/damages of
their children. If any damages occur, you will be financially
responsible for the repair or replacement of the damages.
21. No skateboards, roller skates, rollerblades, scooters, etc. are
allowed in the building.
1. Exhibitors or their designee are responsible for getting their poultry into the appropriate cages promptly by 9 am. Any
bird not in their cage will not be judged.
2. Please be sure if removing a bird to use for showmanship that it has already been judged.
3. Absolutely NO REFUNDS of entry fees will be made.
1. Rosettes for Open/Junior class winners.
2. 1st-5th ribbons for Junior winners
3. Best of Breed and Reserve of breed ribbons for Open and Junior Show.
4. Grand Show Champion and Reserve Show Champion Trophies for Open and Junior Show.
5. Showmanship: ribbons for each age group and belt buckles for Grand Champion and Reserve Champion.
6. 1st-5th ribbons, People's choice awards, Most Unique and Judges choice trophies for Backyard category
1. Entry deadline is February 5, 2025.
2. Day of entries WILL NOT BE accepted for Poultry.
3. Rabbit and Egg Show entries WILL BE accepted the day of the show for an additional fee.
4. Ways to enter:
a. mail in the entry form to: 174 West Overlook Mountain Rd. Buda, TX 78610 attn: Fancy Feathers
b. Submit the entry form below(if more than 20 entries submit a second form if necessary)
c. Please submit separate forms for Junior, Open and Backyard
1. Entry Deadline is February 5, 2025
2. $6 per bird single cage. $12 for large double cage(1 bird per cage)
3. $5 one time cleaning fee for each registrant
4. Showmanship is $8 per youth (showmanship CAN be entered the day of the show)
5. NO DAY OF entries for birds (please e-mail [email protected] if you need to do any last minute changes to your entry-No guarantee that it can be done)
6. If a check is returned insufficient funds, the exhibitor will be assessed all bank fees plus $45. The exhibitor will be barred from future shows until paid.
7. Ways to pay:
a. mail a check made out to Kyle 4-H: 174 West Overlook Mountain Rd. Buda, TX 78610
b. Venmo @kyle4H venmo_qr.jpg
c. Paypal: [email protected]