Feel free to contact us with any questions you have about our show
For additional information click on the "info and Entry Forms" tab
Q: How do I fill out a Poultry show entry form?
A:Don't know how to fill out an entry form? Click here:
Q: What is a double coop?
A: A double coop is a larger cage that holds 1 large standard bird. If you have a large rooster/hen or your bird has very large plumage that may be cramped in a smaller cage you can pay extra for a larger cage. Only 1 bird per cage. No multiples in the cage.
Q: Do I have to be in 4-H to show at your show?
A: No! Anyone can show in our show.
Q: Do I need to be under 18 years old to be in the show?
A: No! There is an open show for over 18 in both rabbit and poultry and a junior show for 18 and under in both rabbit and poultry
Q: What is a PT Paper? And how do I get one?
A: A PT Paper is an annual(yearly) certificate you receive when your birds are blood tested negative for Pullorium Typhoid. PT is a rare, infectious disease that can lead to high mortality in poultry. Your birds must be tested negative if you are going to sell, breed, show, transport, or exhibit them in public. Go to www.tvmdl.tamu.edu for a list of PT testers in Texas and contact one to set up a time to have them come out and test your birds at your home. Often we have a PT tester available on the morning of our show, but this is NOT a guarantee every year, so please find out ahead of time if one will be present. NO BIRD WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE FACILITY WITHOUT A CURRENT NEGATIVE PT TEST PAPER.
Q: Do rabbits need any testing to show them?
A: No. Rabbits do not need any testing prior to showing
Q: Can I show up the day of the show without registering prior?
A: Rabbit entries and Egg show entries CAN show up the day of the show to register and pay. Poultry CANNOT show up the day of the show. Birds must have cages set up to accomodate them ahead of time, so entries must be done prior to the day of.
Q: How do I volunteer to help with the show or make a donation?
A: Just e-mail: Michelle or Garrett at [email protected] or call/text: 512-297-7986
Q: Are my donations tax deductible?
A: Yes! Kyle 4-H is a nonprofit with a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status and EIN number. These can be provided to anyone who donates to our club or show.
Q: How do I join 4-H?
A: Go to https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/4honline/
Q: How do I join Kyle 4-H and when/where do you meet?
A: Just join 4-H at the above website and join our meetings. We meet the 3rd Tuesday of every month at the Kyle Precinct 2 bldg: 5458 FM2770 Kyle, TX at 7 pm.
Q: What is the "backyard" show?
A: The backyard category in both poultry and rabbits is for the pet quality birds/rabbits that hold a special place in our hearts, but aren't necessarily what would be considered up to "show standards of perfection". These animals are eligible for ribbons and trophies and bragging rights, but do not qualify for points in the APA/ABA/ARBA.
Q: How do I know if my bird or rabbit is show quality?
A: I usually say enter them at least once to see how they are judged in the Open(adult) or Junior(18 and under) show. Otherwise, there are Standard Of Perfection books for both poultry and rabbits. You can access those guidelines online or purchase the book/s.
Q: What kind of rabbit show is it? Meat pen or Breeder? And what do you mean by "carry in"?
A: This is a breeder show. You can bring your meat breed rabbits to show, but they are judged against the others in their breed, not as a "pen" of multiples.
Carry in means you bring your rabbit/s in their own cages, there will not be any cages provided to put them in.
Q: What is an APA/ABA show? And is your show ABA/APA sanctioned?
A: APA (American Poultry Association) and ABA (American Bantam Association) are associations that one can register with and when your birds win at various shows, you are eligible for points. Shows that have ABA/APA recognized judges report the winning birds to these associations and they give points to the individual based on multiple factors. For more information please see their websites: www.amerpoultryassn.com and www.bantamclub.com
Yes. Fancy Feathers Show is an APA/ABA sanctioned show.
Q: What is an ARBA show? And is your show ARBA sanctioned?
A: ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association) is an association you can register with and receive points for your winning rabbits at shows that have an ARBA judge and an ARBA membership. Please see their website at www.arba.net for more information.
No. At this time our show is not an ARBA sanctioned show. This may change in the future.
Q: What is the art contest about?
A: The art contest is way for anyone to show off their artistic talent! Our age groups are 0-6 years of age, 7-12 years of age, 13-18 years of age and 18 and above. It must be rabbit or poultry themed and anything goes, drawings, coloring pages, diorama, photography, wood crafts, ceramics, etc... If you made it and it is rabbit or poultry themed we would love to see it! Ribbons and prizes given for each age group.
Q: How does the day of the show work? For Rabbits:
A: Doors open at 7 am. Judging starts at 9 am. Bring your rabbit/s in your own carrier cage (a cage to keep them in will NOT be provided). Check in at the Sign in table. Judging starts promptly at 9 am, so allow enough time to get through a line. They will direct you on when/where to be for the judging. Bring your rabbit/s up and present to the judge when you are called. Ribbons, trophies and buckles will be presented when everyone has finished showing and being judged. Times will vary depending on how many entries there are. You will not receive a ribbon/trophy/buckle unless you are present for the awards presentation when judging is finished so please be sure to monitor the progress of the show. Be sure to check out the games, concessions and Poultry show going on!
Q: How does the day of the show work? For Poultry:
A: Birds are able to be checked in the night before the show from 5pm-8pm (Note: ONLY if you have already presented your negative PT test paper). Birds are left in a locked room overnight. Birds will have assigned cages already set up so you only bring your cage to transport your bird to and from the show. Show doors open at 7 am and judging starts promptly at 9 am. Stop and get your birds tested at the PT tester table if needed and then Check in at the sign in table to get your assigned number and present your PT test paper if you have not already turned it in. Place your birds into your assigned cages based on your entry number and the cage tag will denote which bird goes into which cage. Then take advantage of concessions, bucket raffle, silent auction, games, check out the rabbits, etc... until judging is finished-usually around 1-2 pm. Ribbons and rosettes will be placed on cages and trophy/buckle winners will be announced and passed out. You must be present to win. It is considered very bad form to coop out (leave) early and can result in being asked to not return in the future.
Q: What is Showmanship?
A: Showmanship is for both rabbits and poultry. Participants are 18 years and younger. You DO NOT have to be part of the show or in 4-H to participate. Many times you can ask another person to borrow their bird or rabbit and still participate in showmanship. Showmanship is not judging your animal on anything other than cleanliness, health and your knowledge about the species. Your bird/rabbit does not need to be purebred by any means. There are different age groups in Showmanship-Junior 6-10 years, Intermediate 11-14 years and Senior 15-18 years. For a list of possible questions you can find them online. Some options are: www.quizlet.com, many universities-Ohio, Idaho, etc.... if you type in poultry/rabbit showmanship questions in google, it will give you a list. Making flashcards is a great way to study them. You can also go on youtube and look for showmanship and there are videos of individuals participating that you can watch. Dress nice, eye contact, speak clearly. These are all things the judge is looking for in addition to your knowledge. Ribbons are given out and typically there are belt buckles awarded to the Grand Champion and Reserve Champion winners. See more info under the "showmanship" tab
Q: What is an approximate timeline for the day of the show?
A: Times do vary depending on the number of the entries and how long it takes the judges to get through. Here is a basic timeline:
7 am-9 am: coop in/check in and PT testing if needed. Get Egg Entries in
9 am: judging starts. Shopping opens, get breakfast, buy raffle tickets, sign up for games, check out the birds and rabbits (but stay out of the judges way-do not cross aisles where the judges are)
10 am: set up artwork for contest. Lunch is starting to get cooking
10 am-until done: showmanship
12 pm: judging of art contest, Bingo game/s.
1-2 pm: raffle winners called, Cluck off. Egg show winners announced
2-3 pm: ribbons, trophy and show winners announced
3 pm and on: coop out and clean up
For additional information click on the "info and Entry Forms" tab
Q: How do I fill out a Poultry show entry form?
A:Don't know how to fill out an entry form? Click here:
Q: What is a double coop?
A: A double coop is a larger cage that holds 1 large standard bird. If you have a large rooster/hen or your bird has very large plumage that may be cramped in a smaller cage you can pay extra for a larger cage. Only 1 bird per cage. No multiples in the cage.
Q: Do I have to be in 4-H to show at your show?
A: No! Anyone can show in our show.
Q: Do I need to be under 18 years old to be in the show?
A: No! There is an open show for over 18 in both rabbit and poultry and a junior show for 18 and under in both rabbit and poultry
Q: What is a PT Paper? And how do I get one?
A: A PT Paper is an annual(yearly) certificate you receive when your birds are blood tested negative for Pullorium Typhoid. PT is a rare, infectious disease that can lead to high mortality in poultry. Your birds must be tested negative if you are going to sell, breed, show, transport, or exhibit them in public. Go to www.tvmdl.tamu.edu for a list of PT testers in Texas and contact one to set up a time to have them come out and test your birds at your home. Often we have a PT tester available on the morning of our show, but this is NOT a guarantee every year, so please find out ahead of time if one will be present. NO BIRD WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE FACILITY WITHOUT A CURRENT NEGATIVE PT TEST PAPER.
Q: Do rabbits need any testing to show them?
A: No. Rabbits do not need any testing prior to showing
Q: Can I show up the day of the show without registering prior?
A: Rabbit entries and Egg show entries CAN show up the day of the show to register and pay. Poultry CANNOT show up the day of the show. Birds must have cages set up to accomodate them ahead of time, so entries must be done prior to the day of.
Q: How do I volunteer to help with the show or make a donation?
A: Just e-mail: Michelle or Garrett at [email protected] or call/text: 512-297-7986
Q: Are my donations tax deductible?
A: Yes! Kyle 4-H is a nonprofit with a 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status and EIN number. These can be provided to anyone who donates to our club or show.
Q: How do I join 4-H?
A: Go to https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/4honline/
Q: How do I join Kyle 4-H and when/where do you meet?
A: Just join 4-H at the above website and join our meetings. We meet the 3rd Tuesday of every month at the Kyle Precinct 2 bldg: 5458 FM2770 Kyle, TX at 7 pm.
Q: What is the "backyard" show?
A: The backyard category in both poultry and rabbits is for the pet quality birds/rabbits that hold a special place in our hearts, but aren't necessarily what would be considered up to "show standards of perfection". These animals are eligible for ribbons and trophies and bragging rights, but do not qualify for points in the APA/ABA/ARBA.
Q: How do I know if my bird or rabbit is show quality?
A: I usually say enter them at least once to see how they are judged in the Open(adult) or Junior(18 and under) show. Otherwise, there are Standard Of Perfection books for both poultry and rabbits. You can access those guidelines online or purchase the book/s.
Q: What kind of rabbit show is it? Meat pen or Breeder? And what do you mean by "carry in"?
A: This is a breeder show. You can bring your meat breed rabbits to show, but they are judged against the others in their breed, not as a "pen" of multiples.
Carry in means you bring your rabbit/s in their own cages, there will not be any cages provided to put them in.
Q: What is an APA/ABA show? And is your show ABA/APA sanctioned?
A: APA (American Poultry Association) and ABA (American Bantam Association) are associations that one can register with and when your birds win at various shows, you are eligible for points. Shows that have ABA/APA recognized judges report the winning birds to these associations and they give points to the individual based on multiple factors. For more information please see their websites: www.amerpoultryassn.com and www.bantamclub.com
Yes. Fancy Feathers Show is an APA/ABA sanctioned show.
Q: What is an ARBA show? And is your show ARBA sanctioned?
A: ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Association) is an association you can register with and receive points for your winning rabbits at shows that have an ARBA judge and an ARBA membership. Please see their website at www.arba.net for more information.
No. At this time our show is not an ARBA sanctioned show. This may change in the future.
Q: What is the art contest about?
A: The art contest is way for anyone to show off their artistic talent! Our age groups are 0-6 years of age, 7-12 years of age, 13-18 years of age and 18 and above. It must be rabbit or poultry themed and anything goes, drawings, coloring pages, diorama, photography, wood crafts, ceramics, etc... If you made it and it is rabbit or poultry themed we would love to see it! Ribbons and prizes given for each age group.
Q: How does the day of the show work? For Rabbits:
A: Doors open at 7 am. Judging starts at 9 am. Bring your rabbit/s in your own carrier cage (a cage to keep them in will NOT be provided). Check in at the Sign in table. Judging starts promptly at 9 am, so allow enough time to get through a line. They will direct you on when/where to be for the judging. Bring your rabbit/s up and present to the judge when you are called. Ribbons, trophies and buckles will be presented when everyone has finished showing and being judged. Times will vary depending on how many entries there are. You will not receive a ribbon/trophy/buckle unless you are present for the awards presentation when judging is finished so please be sure to monitor the progress of the show. Be sure to check out the games, concessions and Poultry show going on!
Q: How does the day of the show work? For Poultry:
A: Birds are able to be checked in the night before the show from 5pm-8pm (Note: ONLY if you have already presented your negative PT test paper). Birds are left in a locked room overnight. Birds will have assigned cages already set up so you only bring your cage to transport your bird to and from the show. Show doors open at 7 am and judging starts promptly at 9 am. Stop and get your birds tested at the PT tester table if needed and then Check in at the sign in table to get your assigned number and present your PT test paper if you have not already turned it in. Place your birds into your assigned cages based on your entry number and the cage tag will denote which bird goes into which cage. Then take advantage of concessions, bucket raffle, silent auction, games, check out the rabbits, etc... until judging is finished-usually around 1-2 pm. Ribbons and rosettes will be placed on cages and trophy/buckle winners will be announced and passed out. You must be present to win. It is considered very bad form to coop out (leave) early and can result in being asked to not return in the future.
Q: What is Showmanship?
A: Showmanship is for both rabbits and poultry. Participants are 18 years and younger. You DO NOT have to be part of the show or in 4-H to participate. Many times you can ask another person to borrow their bird or rabbit and still participate in showmanship. Showmanship is not judging your animal on anything other than cleanliness, health and your knowledge about the species. Your bird/rabbit does not need to be purebred by any means. There are different age groups in Showmanship-Junior 6-10 years, Intermediate 11-14 years and Senior 15-18 years. For a list of possible questions you can find them online. Some options are: www.quizlet.com, many universities-Ohio, Idaho, etc.... if you type in poultry/rabbit showmanship questions in google, it will give you a list. Making flashcards is a great way to study them. You can also go on youtube and look for showmanship and there are videos of individuals participating that you can watch. Dress nice, eye contact, speak clearly. These are all things the judge is looking for in addition to your knowledge. Ribbons are given out and typically there are belt buckles awarded to the Grand Champion and Reserve Champion winners. See more info under the "showmanship" tab
Q: What is an approximate timeline for the day of the show?
A: Times do vary depending on the number of the entries and how long it takes the judges to get through. Here is a basic timeline:
7 am-9 am: coop in/check in and PT testing if needed. Get Egg Entries in
9 am: judging starts. Shopping opens, get breakfast, buy raffle tickets, sign up for games, check out the birds and rabbits (but stay out of the judges way-do not cross aisles where the judges are)
10 am: set up artwork for contest. Lunch is starting to get cooking
10 am-until done: showmanship
12 pm: judging of art contest, Bingo game/s.
1-2 pm: raffle winners called, Cluck off. Egg show winners announced
2-3 pm: ribbons, trophy and show winners announced
3 pm and on: coop out and clean up
Kyle 4-H Club is only responsible for the content of this website; Not any others that we link to.